Hope everyone made it home or to their places of rest this evening. another blessed day has come and gone and i find myself loading pictures and commenting on what i saw today. Well today is about STREET NAVIGATOR'S. What is a street navigator you ask, well that is an individual who rides his/her bike young or old big or small short or tall in any race or religion.through these streets here in this town and surrounding area's on a regular basis and have to deal with the traffic at large. Today i must admit in the Little 5 points area i saw some very courteous car/suv drivers allowing the bike riderz safe passage through the streets, allowing us to navigate at a rate that neither slowed us down or themselves. Really in little 5 points you see that a great deal until a Knuckle head who doesn't frequent the area or just being plain rude cutz us off and then thats when the disrespect starts. While in Decatur today before i got the Lil 5 i was almost run over twice because of rushing knuckle heads speed demons and i follow all the street laws. but any who we as riderz have continue to be very visual and hard corps never letting off our guard because all it takes is for one person to say i didn't see him/her and your done! so i just want to say to the wheelers show some love to us 2 wheelers because one day i might be someone you love trying to lose weight or even your self, or maybe even your child (god forbid) out there and someone may be doing what you have done to us to them then what would you say then!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We don't want any one hurt so show some love, and cant we all get along!!!!!!!!!!!
Much love to you all goodnight!
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