NOW see here we go just what i'm talking about. Last week a good person who i met while at work who has given me many insights on biking as well as others who stops and talks to me often, and is genuinely a nice guy was riding his personal bike down one of our local streets, while coming to a stop light behind the cross walk (lol) he sat waiting on the light to turn green when the turning lights turned to go left one veh was making its turn and another vehicale(according to him)tried to make the light and hit the other car on his side,which in turn pushed the other car who was in the right of way into our rider...
Now of course being a regular rider he was aware of his surroundings and saw it comming (like all ggreat riderz would) lol. He"stated" i looked for away out and then "BOOM" i was hit. he also stated that his head hit the vehicle and did alot of damage to the vehicle but thank goodness he was wearing his helmet!(OK EVERYONE WE KNOW YOU CAN RIDE SO CAN HE, BUT GET A HELMET THEN WEAR IT).
Fortunate for our friend he was not to badly hurt his pride and his courage allowed him to get up and move forward but if you look ad some of the bruses he has i think more was hurt than his pride, but he'll never tell(lol) But i'm glad our friend was able to come and tell his story to me and i'm glad he's not bike shy now as you can see from the pics he's back at it a week later. As i say the purpose of this blog is to try and bring more awarness to the community and surrounding area of the who,what,why and where of riding, and if any one would like to share there thought and idea's with the Tru Street Riderz then let us know we welcome all that is to be said as long as you know what your talking about... Now if you dont ride and you havent been on a bike since The day's of Moses then i dont want to here it. Under no circumstance can you speak on riderz until you've been there and done that now i'm not tellling you that this is law i'm just saying it's my opinion it dont make it right IT JUST MAKES IT MINE!
a week of healing does a soul (and scars) good. I actually raced a 24 hour race the day after the incident. I could not use the bike I was using when the crash occurred, RIP Cannondale T700. It was a good ride.