Sunday, September 20, 2009


T.S.R. how are you this morning hope that your evening was great and your things to do were few(lol) Well it has come to my attention that a ride is upon us something i really only heard about although i have been riding for years i have never followed a community of riderz which is why i chose to create this blog...

  CRITICAL MASS i believe it is called and it is the last friday of the month nation wide or world wide now i will find out more info about this ride all i know is that i'm truly interested in it and i will bring it to you as i get it. If any of you know more about it then advise me here i am not the best knower. thanks T.S.R. SPEAK AT YOU LATER...



  1. critical mass IS a worldwide ride, the last friday of each month, at 630pm. Atlanta's CM starts from Woodruff Park, riders assembling about 6. No planned route or leader, the mass goes where the mass goes?? Pace is relaxed and distance is usually under 10 miles. I have seen about 300 riders here, but usually around 100 or so. I did one in Manhatten, there were like 800 or so riders. WOW, that was fun!

  2. i would really like to do this ride here but i believe work wont allow it...
    anyway i hope somone go's that i know and tells me about it. but if not maybe i can find a way to get there. we will see! thanks for the info, i have been reasearching it.

  3. Gike
    you can program any message to go across your wheels in a banner form to display while your riding what better way to advertise and also you can? never mind i'll call you and tell you the have a great one watch the video on youtube
