Today was a very interesting day i put in a few street miles had to do some office work well better yet a meeting and got to see a young man that go's by the name of ALEX J who i saw while a work one day on his Steam Roller fixed gear bike. I told him that i would like to shoot him riding for the blog to show some of the readers who really dont know what trick riding better known to me as hard corp riding (lol) see A fixed bike is in motion all the time and if you dont have the stamina then you would not want to even try it. If you have an injury of sort with your legs foot ankle HELL anything that may hurt you this is a bike you dont want to mess with, there is a veriation of this style of bike which comes from the OLD SKOOL which is single speed befofre most of these cats were born. i have one of these and with brakes. Did i mention most fixed bikes have no brakes at all perpetual motion with no brakes hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! can you say no thanks! Any who i met a young man named Alex J who began to show me some tricks on his bike today the pictures embeded here are just a small view of what i saw you actually have to see these guy's ride to appreciate what they can do on an ol bike as the old folks use to say...
I shot a little Video of alex also when i get it all loaded in i will post the vids also but intil then take a look at what i call seriously rude hard corps riding i could neva ride like this and ALEX J makdes look easy. thanks Alex for your time and energy hope you enjoy keep the the rubber side down man!